Note: Most of the guides are mine, but I have included some links to other guides for stuff I get asked about a lot.




How To: Change Hair Number

For Penumbra, use the item swap guide.

This method is better than the changing item or raw model copying functions in Textools, as it maintains metadata used for more modern hairs!

Note: This guide will only work for advanced modpacks, which look like this:

Select your races, as usual, and hit finish.

Tick "Change destination items" for races you want to change, and press "Choose new item"!

Note: you will need to change the hair number for every race individually.Race identifiers:

Mid male - c0101
Mid female - c0201
High male - c0301
High female - c0401
Elezen male - c0501
Elezen female - c0601
Miqo Male - c0701
Miqo Female - c0801
Roe Male - c0901
Roe Female - c1001
Lala Male - c1101
Lala female - c1201
AuRa male - c1301
AuRa female - c1401
Hrothgar - c1501
Viera - c1801

Find the new hair number you're looking to replace instead!
Remember to match the race identifier.

Link to Hair Numbers Album

Press "Continue" after you're done!

Below is my 2022 Penumbra guide series playlist.If you prefer text guides, check out Serenity's guide.

Link to Hair Numbers Album

Check out Serenity's guide for item swapping.

Easy Penumbra Loose Files Guide

This is a very barebones guide on how to add loose files, I suggest looking at the original XMA page to see what else the program can do!

Download Sebastina's Loose Textures Compiler from here.

Extract into it's own folder.(Can download 7-zip if you can't extract)

Go to Penumbra 'Settings' tab, and copy your 'Root Directory' path.

Go to Config > Change Penumbra Path.
Read & accept the disclaimer.

Click onto this area at the top...

And paste in the path you copied from Penumbra.
Press 'Enter' on your keyboard, then 'Select Folder'.

Select what you want to add a path for.
Top row is for body & tails.
Bottom row is for face and hair.
~Masculine/Feminine is for both face and body ~

If you don't understand the terms diffuse, normal and multi, I recommend reading my faces & bodies guide!

Add your texture in via 2 ways:
1. Drag and drop into the bar
2. Press "select" and navigate to the file
~Supports png, dds, bmp, and .tex ~

Name your mod at the top, then hit generate.

Go back to your mod list, and enable your new mod!

Double check your conflicts - make sure it's at the highest priority, then redraw.

Now you've got the basics down!

Not working?

Want learn more about what you can do?

Loose Files Troubleshooting

File Name Error

Rename your texture file if it has funky/special characters in it! (Like ๐–™๐–๐–Ž๐–˜ or โ™ฅ).


Go to Penumbra Settings > Advanced.If you have "Auto Deduplicate on Import", it will break loose files.

If you want to keep deduplication on but still be able to use loose files, go to the original mod's Advanced Editing tab...

... Go to Duplicates, then 'Re-Duplicate and Normalize Mod'.

Still not working?

If youโ€™re definitely getting conflicts with the new mod at a higher priority than the original mod, and the above doesnโ€™t work, do a XIVLauncher repair. Instructions and further help can be found in the Penumbra discord.Note: Some mods have file paths that aren't vanilla! I would suggest reaching out to the original mod creator, if you've done a repair before.e.g. Faces have paths that have '--' in front, which is preferred by DX11. (e.g. /--c0801f0104...).
If the path is custom, like _c0801..., then it should be fixed.

Loose Files - Extra Reading

Saving and loading presets

Do you want to keep working on the same mod another day?You can do that using File > Open to load, or File > Save/Save As to save a .ffxivtp file.

Work on textures in real-time

Every time you hit "Generate", it will re-export the texture and auto-redraw for you!
So that means you can make changes to your texture and save it, and automatically get changes in game.

More Guides

You can do things like auto-generate normal maps to make tattoos look 3D, or make glowing skin textures.These can all be found on the original XMA post.